Tagged: Equirectangular

Equirectangular Renders

After I didn’t secure an Oculus Rift for the final show, I turned to my phone. Luckily, Blender has an option within the panorama camera function for the output to be Equi-rectangular. Which is such a beautiful word. Its process is similar to turning this:


into this:world_map_outline_header.jpg__1500x670_q85_crop_subsampling-2

Although similar, its not entirely the same, for consistency and ability to read the map, its been altered.

Below are a few examples of rendered frames that have developed along the process of creating the VR side of my work. These images are raw renders (no noise reduction, editing, colour correction, grading… NOTHING!).

There have been a number of alterations along the way with this. It’s been a lengthy, experimental yet very fulfilling and mind-altering experience…. that… if i’m honest… I cannot wait to do again.

I’ve loved it, and feel I’ve found a real home in 360 animation. It’s flexible, manageable and with enough persistence and dedication, anything can be created.

If I’m honest with the final VR Piece, I began to get frustrated with it, but Ed reminded me this week that when you spend too long looking or listening to the same thing, you are first of all its worst critic, and second of all, after multiple setbacks, thinking differently about its outcome. It affects you emotionally, and if it angers you, you’d naturally begin to like it less.

Luckily, I think i enjoy this frustration…. as long as the end result succeeds… but then again… who doesn’t. Its a possibility of failure that excites me alongside a belief that with enough effort and focus, anything (within reason) is achievable. (you also need good resources and in many cases a brilliant team) but if it gets done, it gets done.

My VR piece is now done. So thats positive.


Gateway VR – Rendering

Thought I’d do a quick post on the rendering process going into my VR piece. I’ve confirmed today that I’ll be displaying the piece on a Samsung Gear headset, which is considerably better than my iPhone 5. (Bigger screen, better resolution.)

The rendering has been a nightmare. I’ve learnt more about the process of rendering in the past month than I’d ever thought I’d know. I’ve gone through render layers, passes, batch edits, shell scripts, render farms, network rendering… all in the space of a month. I’ve had to find quick and creative solutions to ensure that my piece will be viewable.

Re-creating my VR piece has been the biggest struggle over the last 3 months. I’d originally made the environment as a Unity game for an Oculus Rift or an HTC Vive, however, due to not being able to get one for the show, I had to re-make the piece.

Early last week I managed to set up a number of farms to get the animation going:

From tomorrow onwards will be a similar story. I’m basically just running around with a memory stick looking for computers.

I’ll do a further post on the content of the VR piece and how I’ve found ways to get around the issues of equirectangular content creation.